Ceramic Finds in Context (Roman to Early Islamic Times) - Dataset
Between 2011 and 2016 field excavations and surveys in the frame of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project have brought to light a wealth of material and results presented in numerous publications, many of these in the same series as this volume. The quality of the data collected seems most promising with regard to an innovative evaluation and classification of the material. Many of the structures excavated, of which some were built in Roman times, were subsequently successively extended over decades and rebuilt until their destruction by a violent earthquake in 749 CE. This incident left large areas covered in debris preserving the contexts mostly undisturbed. This volume provides an in-depth analyses on the ceramic material found at the Northwest Quarter, which is typo-chronological evaluated and contextually analysed. Based on this dataset the authors provides insight into the micro and macro networks of ancient Gerasa in Roman to Early Islamic times and focusses on the question how finely meshed exchange can be pursued on a micro-regional level and what conditions must exist in order to trade.